Cardiff brings the Varsity Shield home! | Caerdydd yn dod â Tharian Varsity adref!

More than 10,000 student spectators came to cheer on the teams as Cardiff travelled to Swansea for another epic Welsh Varsity tournament | Daeth dros 10,000 o fyfyrwyr i gefnogi’r timau wrth i Gaerdydd teithio i Abertawe am dwrnamaint Varsity Cymru epig arall.

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Congratulations to all our student competitors who took part in the 2024 Welsh Varsity tournament, you should be very proud of your performance.

More than 10,000 student spectators came to cheer as Team Cardiff battled Swansea for the coveted Varsity shield and cup over the last week.

Varsity is still one of the largest student sporting events in the UK and an unforgettable rite of passage for all our students, whether they’re competing or cheering from the stands. This year’s tournament returned to Swansea seeing Cardiff take on the swans on their home ground. As always, there was an incredible atmosphere and we’d like to say a big thank you to our Team Cardiff supporters who have rallied the teams since the tournament began on the 17th April. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.  

Georgia, your VP Sports and AU President, is thrilled with the result: 

“What an amazing day of sporting activity for both Cardiff University and Swansea University! I am so proud of all the hard work and dedication our athletes have put in and overwhelmed with the amount of support here today. Varsity is always the most anticipated event of the year for students where many memories are made. It’s a great opportunity for both coming together as a community and for showcasing the best of University sport.”

Welsh Varsity provides an opportunity for the whole student community to come together and celebrate the diversity in student sport at Cardiff University. From football to fencing, water polo to ultimate frisbee and triathlon to tennis, the Welsh Varsity tournament represents the culmination of a year of hard work and preparation from all our athletes.

2024 has been another strong year for Team Cardiff, something we hope to see for many years to come.

You can see the full list of results here

Llongyfarchiadau i'n holl fyfyrwyr a fu’n cystadlu yn nhwrnamaint Varsity Cymru 2024, dylech fod yn falch iawn o’ch perfformiad.

Daeth dros 10,000 o fyfyrwyr i gefnogi wrth i Dîm Caerdydd brwydro Abertawe am darian a chwpan Varsity dros yr wythnos diwethaf.

Varsity Cymru yw un o’r digwyddiadau chwaraeon myfyrwyr mwyaf yn y DU, ac mae’n brofiad bythgofiadwy i'n myfyrwyr, boed os ydynt yn cystadlu neu’n cefnogi o’r ochrau. Fe wnaeth twrnamaint eleni ddychwelyd i Abertawe, gyda Chaerdydd yn herio’r elyrch ar eu tir eu hunain. Fel bob amser, roedd awyrgylch anhygoel a hoffem ddweud diolch anferthol i holl fyfyrwyr Tîm Caerdydd a fu’n cefnogi’r timoedd ers i'r twrnamaint gychwyn ar y 17eg o Ebrill. Gobeithio gwnaethoch fwynhau cymaint ag y gwnaethom ni.

Mae Georgia, eich IL Chwaraeon a Llywydd yr UA, ar ben ei digon gyda’r canlyniad:

“Am ddiwrnod anhygoel o chwaraeon i Brifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Abertawe! Rwy’n falch iawn o holl waith caled ein hathletwyr, ac roedd y gefnogaeth gawsom heddiw yn syfrdanol. Varsity yw un o ddigwyddiadau mwyaf y flwyddyn ar gyfer myfyrwyr, ac mae’n le i atgofion cael eu creu. Mae’n gyfle i ddod ynghyd fel cymuned ac arddangos y gorau o chwaraeon Prifysgol.”

Mae Varsity Cymru yn gyfle i'n holl fyfyrwyr ddod ynghyd a dathlu amrywiaeth o fewn chwaraeon ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. O bêl-droed i gleddyfa, polo dŵr i ffrisbi, a thriathlon i denis, mae Varsity Cymru yn binacl blwyddyn o waith caled a pharatoi gan ein holl athletwyr.

Mae 2024 wedi bod yn flwyddyn gryf arall ar gyfer Tîm Caerdydd, a gobeithiwn y bydd hyn yn parhau am flynyddoedd lawer.

Gallwch weld rhestr lawn o’r canlyniadau yma

